Ages 4 to 5
Save $99 when you choose 2 classes per student
START DATE: Our next dance season starts September 9, 2024, and ends May 17, 2025.
All students will perform a dance at a local theatre at the end of the program.
10 INSTALEMENTS: Payments come off of a credit card on the first of the month from September until the last payment on June 1. A $39.98 registration fee is due at the time of registration. There are no costume deposits.
Families with multiple students get 40% off the second student's monthly payment who is taking the lesser amount of classes. This is the best family discount in Manitoba!
TWO DANCE RECITALS: There are two dance recitals that take place during the 2024-25 dance season. These events are free to attend with free parking. The first show is at Jubilee Place on Jan 26 & Feb 2, 2025 depending on your studio location. The second show is the year end dance recital that takes place in May 17 & 18, 2025 depending on your studio location. Each student will be charged a performance fee of $39.98 for each of the shows
Pre Acro
Acro or acrobatics dance is a style of dance that combines classical dance technique with precision acrobatic & gymnastic elements. Routines often feature exciting turns, flips and jumps.
Payments for this class are $59.98 a month which includes your costume, picture and two free recital tickets.
Dress Code: You choose - Tank top, bodysuit, leggings, 4" loose shorts, jazz shorts, tights,

Pre Dance
This is a combo dance class that introduces the fundamentals of Ballet, Jazz, & Tap. This is an important class to take that provides a great foundation for future dance classes.
Payments for this class are $69.98 a month which includes your costume, picture and two free recital tickets.
Dress Code: Any color bodysuit, light pink ballet tights. Skirts or tutus are optional. Hair must be tied back.
Footwear - pink canvas split-sole ballet slippers with elastics and black tap shoes.
Pre Hip Hop
A high energy class to trendy Hip Hop music. It is a fun, creative and very expressive refined form of street dance seen in the entertainment industry.
Payments for this 45 minute class are $59.98 a month which includes your costume, picture and two free recital tickets.
Dress Code: Clean runners and comfy clothes